Hi Friends! I hope that you all had a great Christmas. I sure did. I got some new toys and some yummy treats. Here is a my new most favoritest toy ever.
Wonder what is in here?
A little help mom!
Wow, it is a super squeak mat with 16 squeakers!
Now I just need to figure out how to use all 16 squeakers at the same time.
hello douglas its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow its a skwilt!!! i had a skwilt wunse and it wuz my favritest thing ever until it met with an untimely deemize!!! ok bye
Maybe you could sit on it? Neat toy, never seen one on those.
Charlie's mommy
hello douglas its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow its a skwilt!!! i had a skwilt wunse and it wuz my favritest thing ever until it met with an untimely deemize!!! ok bye